Thursday, February 25, 2010

One Batsman To Rule Them All!!!

On Wednesday, Sachin made history yet again, by scoring a double century in th ODI against South Africa. Man, he was living up to, and above his reputation of a Master Blaster!

It really was a beautiful batting performance... I unfortunately couldn't see the whole thing, but got most of it. He stayed in there, through the cramps, and the fatigue, sweat must not be helping out either. But yes, he stayed there, and he played. The nation rejoiced at his score, and later at India's victory... Karthik, Dhoni and Pathan Jr. played well too. Some people might feel that Dhoni could have stopped Sachin from making his century, but me and a friend of mine, agree that well, he did the right thing. Sachin needed rest, and he got it because of Dhoni.

Well, I can't really say anything about Sachin Tendulkar, the name speaks for itself, and well, there are so many things to say about him, even five posts won't be enough. Although this I can say :

One Little Master to rule them all,
One Batsman to give them bowlers nightmares that wake them,
One Man the world salutes,
One Blaster who's bat and ball can sing like a flute,
The Legend, the Pride, the Love of all Indians,
That's Sachin Tendulkar, one heck of a concoction!!!

Image source :

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Very First Love - Books!!!

Books - My heart and soul. I fell in love with books(literally) when I was around two years old(well, love does have no starting boundaries either!). I lived in a world which was harsh, and books were my doorway to the world of bliss, beauty, and endless joy. Like every other reader does, I started out with the Grimm Brothers(not knowing that they even existed, at that time). They made the spark that further kindled the fire that is now my obsessive infatuation of books... Okay, overdose... but that gives you an idea about how much books mean to me. So, well, a post for my books, my love, my life!

Books welcome you, all of them do. They can be your solace, live your joy, share your sorrow and pacify your anger. They have loads to give, and they never ask for returns(something that pleases everyone). They sharpen many of your skills, from analytical to imaginative. They help you have a broader outlook at everything, have multiple solutions for one problem, multiple possibilities for one change, multiple hypotheses and theories for one supposition — and it comes to you naturally, you don't specifically need to work on it. Best part is, at least for me, that they can transform your boring life(if you have one, if you have an interesting life, it enriches it!) into a lively, color-filled one. Then you can relate situations you read in books to situations in real life, observe things other people don't usually notice, and manage to ace every english test you have(applicable to exams too!).

Books, when first written,(and I'm not talking about paper, I'm talking about papyrus rolls, leaves and parchment) were mostly about a certain culture, a certain way of living. These expanded into broken down versions of the same,which also had real life examples, making it easier for the "common man" to read them. From these expansions came the idea of writing stories with morals for even easier learning, which later evolved into the various genres we have today. That's another thing that books have — versatility. Every book has something new to offer, a new style, a new story, a new idea, a new horizon.... loads more that I haven't yet realized maybe. They never fail to enthrall you, you imagine yourself with Snow-White when she's running away, with any commando or cop or detective or marine or action hero fighting off bad guys, with vampires and drop-dead gorgeous hunks as they romance their love(who incidentally is you. Vice-versa for boys by the way....), with the protagonist as they shatter due to an emotional or physical wound... so many lives that we can live in one life of our own.

The best part about books is that they give you entertainment and knowledge both. Few things in the world can do that, rather, have that potential. No matter what kind of genre you are reading, you still learn from the book. Books provide a definite path which you can follow in the vast universe of knowledge. And well, also, the other uses of books should not be forgotten! They help you bunk class — yeah, borrow a book from the library, tell your prof you must return it, or else you won't be able to get another book: ever(those are words of experience, mind you). They also are great companions while watching horror movies when you are alone in the house, or if you are damn sleepy in class(or damn sleepy anywhere) they work as a good pillow(don't do that if you oil your hair, that stains the book... put a hanky on and then sleep). And it doesn't hurt to say that they can also be an excellent way of avoiding people you want to avoid, like, just tell them, "I really want to read this book, I'm in the most interesting part, so, if you don't mind don't disturb me please!"

Talking about negatives, nooks have only two of those, out of which one can be avoided, the other, well,depends. Firstly, it's nigh impossible to put down a book once you start reading it. It weaves it's magic around you,and then you have to tear through the beautiful cocoon and get on with your work — very difficult. But well, you still can do that. The second one, well, I don't know if it really is done, but criminals(all sorts and kinds) get ideas from books. All sorts. For example, how to fool a guard, how to mesmerize a girl, various robberies etc etc(not that they can't be original, no harsh feelings...). Could be bad...!!! But well, this is what I think. I don't know if it's in practice, but I had 5 months of vacations, what else do you expect???

Books being the beautiful things they are,some people don't treat them properly. I'm ashamed to see that there are people who don't,can't and will not respect books. At least some only hate them, and don't ruin them. There are also people who like to read, but they tear pages from the book, scribble and scrawl in it, tear the cover apart etc etc. I whole-heartedly detest such people... if you want to read a book, at least ensure you keep it in a read-able condition! So, well, people who read my blog, you might or might not be an avid reader, but please do try not to ruin any book, especially books from libraries.

Lastly, what I like about books. That would actually be a very long list, but the toppers are that books enhance my imagination, make it so good that things almost feel realistic, that they give me unending knowledge, that they are always there - no matter what(yep, even when I watch The Grudge or something), and the way they smell. That last one might sound weird, but it's true. I love the smell of a book. Every book has its own smell, and that adds to my addiction! I end my post here, or I fear I'll go on forever!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Portrait Of A Friend

This poem reminds me of my own best friends... and all of the special moments I've shared with them. I chose to use it here as my first post because I smiled when I read it — so with a hope to make you smile when you remember your special moments... here's the poem - Enjoy!

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,

Or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will

Search for answers.

I can't change your past with all its heartache and pain,

Nor the future with its untold stories.

But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.

I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;

Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;

I can only support you, encourage you,

And help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,

From your values, from me.

I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,

But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,

Room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,

But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces

And put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.

I can only love you and be your friend.

I found this on Orkut in an "About Me" description of a friend's friend. It's not my own poem, but whoever has written it, kudos dude(or gal... I frankly don't remember exactly who that person was)!

What do you feel? Is this how your best friend is too?